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July 19, 2023
Call to Order July 19, 2023 at 4:55pm Establishment of Quorum (M. Hitt)
Region 1 - present,
Region 2 present,
Region 3 present,
Region 4 present,
Region 5 present,
Region 6 present,
Region 7 present.
Quorum was established.
Minutes Of Annual Meeting 2022 (Recorded by M. Ecroyd) if there are any changes to the last meeting minutes, please contact either Bobby Totty or Marcie Ecroyd.
Addition of Region 7 in quorum needed to be amended.
Jackie Portnoy made a motion to approve the amended minutes.
Shanon Griffin 2nd the motion.
Minutes were approved and are posted on the website .
Treasurer’s Report (H.Medlin):
Hope shared the report. Balance is $76,852.90 which does not reflect the conference expenses. Attachment of the treasurer’s report. Hope reminded all members that if membership is paid the receipt is sent to the email that is written on the membership form. It is the responsibility of the member to send this email onto their bookkeepers if being reimbursed.
Total Paid Members: 118 as of July 17, 2023.
We will bring the baskets back for Summer Conference ‘24 Region directors will get this organized Website - we use
Need to fix the emails on the website Historian : (Regena B) Wants to get a group picture to put on Facebook. Facebook page is title
VAHAMSEA Regional Reports:
Region 1 (J. Gordon) - Region 1 will have quarterly meetings either via zoom or in person. Jennifer Gordon is remaining on as region 1 director.
Marcie Ecroyd was nominated for Secretary
Region 2 - (M. Walton)- Meetings will take place in person quarterly. VA public schools will sponsor the first meeting. Making sure everyone knows information for awards. Nominated Hope Medlin for treasurer elect. 2
Region 3/4- (I. Lara) - 19 in attendance - discussed meeting in person vs. virtual. Going to try to meet 3x’s during the year at different areas in their region. Many new members are interested in running for the board once they meet the requirements of membership.
Region 5 - (V. Holcomb) 2 new membersDiscussed new information to the new members. No one wanted to take over region 5 director - Vada Holcomb will remain on as director. Vada will email the members that she collected. Tabitha and Vada are state evaluators and travel; working on trying to get new members. Want to try to educate more teachers about VAHAMSEA and how much information the organization can give to the teachers.
Region 6 - (Shanon Griffin) - had 2 new teachers at their meeting Talked about open positions, but no one was interested in running for the positions. Meeting in the fall via zoom/google meet. Would Like to get more people involved and connected with VAHAMSEA Nominated Shanon Giffin for Region Director Region 7- (D. Davis) -had 7 members at the meeting Would like to have more meetings regularly - picked out dates. Will be zoom since the region is scattered. This is Donna’s last year. Connie Blevins was “nominated” to be the new region 7 director. No one was interested in running for other vacant positions.
ACTE (B. Totty): Chris Thomas will be stepping down. Need to have a VAACTE representative as part of the VAHAMSEA board. It is a big commitment, but does keep members involved about new updates on CTE. Shanti Pelham - has offered to be the VAHAMSEA representative for ACTE Standing Committees: Operating Policies/Awards: (B. Totty ) Each region can nominate organizations who help support VAHAMSEA to be recognized. If one region has more than 1 nomination then the board will vote on who should receive the recognition. Critical Issues/Legislation/Resolution- (J. Portnoy) Report
Communication and Website: (B. Totty) Donna Davis is going to be the new webmaster to get the website update. Scholarships and Awards: Amy Pernell is willing to work with the scholarship and awards committee. Scholarship (D. Wright)- Scholarships will be revised and updated. Scholarship for students: Michelle Green-Wright scholarship for students. Deb Wright is working on the criteria to put on the application for the scholarship. Scholarship application will be on the website when it is ready. Unfinished Business:
Taken from H. Medlin’s treasurer report
● Our private website domain name has been secured for the next three years - Cost $68.55
● Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission order of Reinstatement was filed and accepted.
● 3 Year Audit was completed by The Daga Group by CPA Rosa Burrows and accepted.
● 2023 Summer Conference registration for members, non-members, and retirees needs to be set for registration JotForm to be ready.
● Marcie Ecroyd has been working on the items for the swag bags.
● Working on bids for 2023-2024 and The Delta in Virginia Beach will not honor government rates and would not bid.
● The Westin in the Town Center Virginia Beach would not do government rates in that month.
● Working with The Founders Inn & Spa will have a quote soon and will give below government rates for the month of July. Have more information coming with quote.
● Plus, Great Wolf Lodge is willing to work with us, waiting on bid.
● JotForm and Square are being utilized for the summer conference fees and membership payments.
New Business:
Voting for open positions. Voting via bitly/ QR
Next conference will be at the Founder’s Inn in Virginia Beach, VA July 16-18, 2024 Contracted for 60 rooms Make reservations early when the code is given out in April, 2024
Meeting adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 5:44pm by Robert Totty
Respectfully submitted, Marcie Ecroyd - VAHAMSEA Secretary

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